Yes, I solved the 3D Printing USB Cable Problem.
As many have experienced, USB connectivity to many printers has a lot of issues. Either your printer is not even detected, or the connection is dropped and your printer stops printing. This is especially common if you use the Raspberry Pi because it does not come with a shielded case to protect from EMF interference. Now a lot of veteran 3D Printing hobbyists will say the problem is that you are using a low quality cable. This is simply not the case. The cable has to be wired differently and shielded using two methods combined. I'm going to show you how to turn the most dirt cheap cable from the dollar store into the best 3D printing cable ever. I've made several, and they never drop connection or not detect my printers.
Unfortunately this will require me to make a YouTube video because building the cable is slightly confusing for the average person. I have no aspirations to become a YouTuber although I have had many YouTube channels in the past. I have my reasons. It is also part and parcel with being a content creator to have a video presence. So eventually I'll have a small area carved out of my lab for video production. I have all the equipment (atmospheric microphone, tripod, DSLR camera, green screen). I just got to set it back up again and I am dreading the process. Nothing drives me crazy more than poor quality video and/or audio watching amateur video producers online. Well one other thing… people who record video on their phone in portrait mode. Hold it sideways you cretins. Nobody likes to watch video in a little strip unless they are on TikTok.
A detailed article will also be posted in the Guides on this site, but since it is an electronics build I feel that an instructional video is needed to make it easy to follow.
I should have the article and video ready sometime in the next month?