Function over form

 Got my first three articles posted. I re-read and tweak them to correct grammar and what not as I go. Keeping the format simple for now to make sure the links and menus stay functional in both the mobile and desktop versions. 85% of people on the web access websites via their phone these days, or I so read somewhere. 

I’m not sure if thats true, but I know many people who don’t even own a laptop or desktop or even a tablet. I’ll spruce things up with some nice icons and graphics when I have time to design them. I’m big on designing all art, taking all photos, and creating all my own 3D models so that I am the sole copyright holder and I don’t forget to credit someone. However I do use a the resources of a great project called Icons8. You should check them out if you need some really great icons for power points or videos or whatever: Icons8

More to come. I have a few days off work, so I’ll be adding some new models to Thingiverse and writing more articles.


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